About Me

Oregon, United States

Feb 12, 2011

Sorry, No New Pics =(

Well, to start off with, I know it's been quite some time since I have posted anything new.  I was just so busy with work, that I didn't get chance to get out there and take any.  But now that I have some free time, I should be getting some....actually quite a few!

Now on to the best news of the year so far.....I am getting one of my photos published in the Eugene, Coast, Cascades Visitors Guide!!!!  It will be published in by the end of March.  I was so excited when I found out....and still am amazed at how it just came around like it did.  And then there's an opportunity to have another of my photos made into a banner for a local winery, Lone Oak Vineyards.  It will be for their show at the Newport Seafood and Wine Festival at the end of this month.  We shall see how it turns out.  I'm hoping fantastic!!!!  =)

The plan for this weekend is to see a band in Eugene and probably take some pics while I am there.  A member of the band is a friend of mines cousin, I am sure that she would appreciate some photos of her.  Hopefully I can get some decent ones, I have a real hard time taking photos indoors.  Then it's off to ND for 10 days!!!! Will probably be cold as heck, but fun as well.  Anyway, in 10 days, I should get TONS of photos to share.  After that, a concert at the end of March.  BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!!

Then, bring on Spring and Summer!!!  I can't wait for it to be light late so that I can really get out there and get some shots.  The days are so short during the Winter.  Hiking, camping, and exploring, here I come!!! Plus, the weather is a lot nicer and it a little more fun to get out there.  No big plans for Summer....yet. I am just sort of "going with it".  But FUN is definitely on the menu.

So, that's the news for now.  Promise to get some shots soon. Hope everyone is enjoying their new year and may the rest be just as grand!

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