About Me

Oregon, United States

Nov 14, 2010

As Usual......BUSY!

Hey!  It's been a while!  I have been so busy these days.  So much going on, it's hard to keep up with it all.

Work is getting busier, now that it is closer to the holiday season.  Overtime will be working it's way in there soon!  =(  ( $$$$$  =)  ) Mixed emotions on the whole thing as you can see.  Then there is always the dog grooming bits that I do and the house cleaning that I do, and the other photo gig that is still in the works.  Need to call him soon also and set up plans for all that.  We've had one meeting so far, but the official one hasn't come around yet.  On top of all that, I still have to have time with my own dog and myself!  WHEW!!!!  Busy lady!

I don't mind it too much.....what else is there to do to fill my time......t.v.?  No way, I will keep doing what I am doing.

I got a couple new pics posted in the NATURE album and the CRITTERS album.  Check'em out!!!  I will try to be a little better at this whole blog posting thing.   Sometimes, I just can't find the time to sit down get it done.   But I will make an attempt to do so.  Winter is coming though....and there will be a LOT of time spent up in the mountains, so the blog may have to wait at times.

But I promise, I will be back and posting like crazy all of the winter wonderland that I will discover while out on my snowboard!!!!  


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