Sorry everyone. I have been so busy with everything that I got a little distracted with my blog. Now that I am back into it, we'll start with this....being that it sort of has to deal with the same thing as the last entry....
another dog has been found. :( What the heck is wrong with people?! Either the dog doesn't have a collar and isn't microchipped or there is a collar, with no tags and still isn't chipped! This time the dog is a Golden Retriever mix, older, and very sweet. She is just the best dog and I have no idea why she was running in the highway. I have posted fliers and she is now safely at the vet clinic nearby. But she tonight is her last night there, they just don't have the room and she can't stay, so someone needs to pick her up and take her to the shelter if no one claims her. So sad! :( Hopefully someone will call before she is picked up.
Anyway, on a happier note, I've been busy with work, as usual. But I have also been going camping on the weekends. It's been quite fun. I also have been to a show at the Cuthbert, well, not really at the show, just sat outside and listened with a couple of friends. It was great! Had a nice picnic dinner and everything! Also been busy taking the dog to the creeks and rivers for swim time. He sure does love that he knows what he is dong.
I will be going to a friends wedding here next weekend, so look for pictures....I am trying to take some more photos of people and get that darn lighting down. It sure is difficult, I think portraits are the hardest out of all the things I have tried. But the wedding should be good and the reception should be fun, even if the photos don't turn out. Good thing I wasn't hired for that, just taking them as a guest.
Other than that, that's about it. Been taking a lot of pictures, of everything, some turn out and some don't. I will be posting a few here, so check out the albums....
Oh, and here is a photo of the dog that was found...I wish there was more that could do, but there just isn't.....
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