About Me

Oregon, United States

Jul 1, 2010

Busy Busy!

Well, I guess it has been a while since I blogged last.  I have just been busy with work and the yard.  I went to a concert the other night.  It was fantastic!  You can't beat a band that sounds just like they do on CD!  I mean, what a show!  They even played for a good 4hrs or more.  I was quite surprised.  After the show, on the way home, a friend of mine and I found a Border Collie running around in the middle of the road....being the good Samaritans that we are we stopped and picked him up.  Actually, he picked us up, all I had to do was whistle and say "come here"  and he just followed the truck til I stopped.  Then I got out and he came right to me, licked my face and jumped in the truck!  Can you believe it!? Fliers have been posted about him and hopefully his owners will come find him.  He is such a good dog!  Wish I could keep him, but I can't, already have a handful with my own dog, Lucas.  Here are a few photos of him, we went for a walk today.  HE HAD A BLAST!.....Oh, and check out my albums, there are new photos in there, too.

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