About Me

Oregon, United States

May 30, 2010

Nothing New

Well, nothing too exciting has been happening since the last time I wrote.  I did walk up a gated forest service road the other day and came upon this old bridge over a creek.  It was pretty neat, I must say.  I love the old things that are still standing...somewhat...even if they aren't in use anymore.  This one DEFINITELY is not in use!  I really look forward to walking further up the creek and seeing what I might find.  I'm sure there will be plenty of photo opportunities there.  Other than that really, no new adventures.  Soon though, I promise.  I have been busy in my yard planting away....the colors are so beautiful.  I will definitely be taking some pictures of them and hopefully they will turn out great!  They look great anyway!  Well, I guess that is it...check for new photos all the time...I may not necessarily post anything on my home page but there may be something new in the albums.  And remember, if you like my work, you can become a follower.  Just click the Google link at the bottom right of the page!!!!  :-)

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