About Me

Oregon, United States

Nov 14, 2010

As Usual......BUSY!

Hey!  It's been a while!  I have been so busy these days.  So much going on, it's hard to keep up with it all.

Work is getting busier, now that it is closer to the holiday season.  Overtime will be working it's way in there soon!  =(  ( $$$$$  =)  ) Mixed emotions on the whole thing as you can see.  Then there is always the dog grooming bits that I do and the house cleaning that I do, and the other photo gig that is still in the works.  Need to call him soon also and set up plans for all that.  We've had one meeting so far, but the official one hasn't come around yet.  On top of all that, I still have to have time with my own dog and myself!  WHEW!!!!  Busy lady!

I don't mind it too much.....what else is there to do to fill my time......t.v.?  No way, I will keep doing what I am doing.

I got a couple new pics posted in the NATURE album and the CRITTERS album.  Check'em out!!!  I will try to be a little better at this whole blog posting thing.   Sometimes, I just can't find the time to sit down get it done.   But I will make an attempt to do so.  Winter is coming though....and there will be a LOT of time spent up in the mountains, so the blog may have to wait at times.

But I promise, I will be back and posting like crazy all of the winter wonderland that I will discover while out on my snowboard!!!!  


Oct 21, 2010

Name Change

Hey there everyone.  Just giving you all a heads up that I have changed the name of my photography to BLW Photography. I just figure it makes more sense to have it that way, with my initials, than another name.  Plus I noticed that there is another Blue-Eyed Photography out there.....I would like to be an individual!  Don't mind the watermarks with Blue Eyed Photography on them, that was the old name and don't want to delete the ones that are posted.  Just keep in mind that BLW Photography is the same as Blue Eyed Photography.  Anywho, that was all really.  Been pretty busy with work.  I went out to Lone Oak Vineyards in Monroe, OR last weekend and took some photographs of their wine harvest for the year.  They want some for their website so I was invited to come out! It was great and so much fun, I had never been to a vineyard before, so needless to say it was interesting.  Oh, and today I was asked to take photographs for a gentleman who lives nearby of his jewelry that he makes.  He wants to put a catalog together and use the photos I take for it!  I am just getting quite popular with this whole photography thing......AND I LOVE IT!!!!  Well, that's all for now.  Hope everyone has a fantastic Halloween! Be safe out there!

Aug 20, 2010


Just wanted to let everyone know that there are new photos in the albums.  Check them out!  More to come later.  But for right now, check out...


I also got asked to take family photos for a friend of mine.  I was quite surprised!  We will see how it goes.  I haven't focused much on people portraits.  Should be interesting....and at least she is a friend of mine, so I shouldn't get too harassed if they don't turn out very well.

Aug 4, 2010

Ooops! Sorry....

Sorry everyone.  I have been so busy with everything that I got a little distracted with my blog.  Now that I am back into it, we'll start with this....being that it sort of has to deal with the same thing as the last entry....
 another dog has been found.  :(  What the heck is wrong with people?!  Either the dog doesn't have a collar and isn't microchipped or there is a collar, with no tags and still isn't chipped! This time the dog is a Golden Retriever mix, older, and very sweet.  She is just the best dog and I have no idea why she was running in the highway.  I have posted fliers and she is now safely at the vet clinic nearby.  But she tonight is her last night there, they just don't have the room and she can't stay, so someone needs to pick her up and take her to the shelter if no one claims her.  So sad!  :(  Hopefully someone will call before she is picked up.

Anyway, on a happier note, I've been busy with work, as usual.  But I have also been going camping on the weekends.  It's been quite fun. I also have been to a show at the Cuthbert, well, not really at the show, just sat outside and listened with a couple of friends.  It was great!  Had a nice picnic dinner and everything!  Also been busy taking the dog to the creeks and rivers for swim time.  He sure does love it....now that he knows what he is dong.  

I will be going to a friends wedding here next weekend, so look for pictures....I am trying to take some more photos of people and get that darn lighting down.  It sure is difficult, I think portraits are the hardest out of all the things I have tried.  But the wedding should be good and the reception should be fun, even if the photos don't turn out.  Good thing I wasn't hired for that, just taking them as a guest.

Other than that, that's about it.  Been taking a lot of pictures, of everything, some turn out and some don't.  I will be posting a few here, so check out the albums....

Oh, and here is a photo of the dog that was found...I wish there was more that could do, but there just isn't.....

Jul 1, 2010

Busy Busy!

Well, I guess it has been a while since I blogged last.  I have just been busy with work and the yard.  I went to a concert the other night.  It was fantastic!  You can't beat a band that sounds just like they do on CD!  I mean, what a show!  They even played for a good 4hrs or more.  I was quite surprised.  After the show, on the way home, a friend of mine and I found a Border Collie running around in the middle of the road....being the good Samaritans that we are we stopped and picked him up.  Actually, he picked us up, all I had to do was whistle and say "come here"  and he just followed the truck til I stopped.  Then I got out and he came right to me, licked my face and jumped in the truck!  Can you believe it!? Fliers have been posted about him and hopefully his owners will come find him.  He is such a good dog!  Wish I could keep him, but I can't, already have a handful with my own dog, Lucas.  Here are a few photos of him, we went for a walk today.  HE HAD A BLAST!.....Oh, and check out my albums, there are new photos in there, too.

Jun 4, 2010

What a day!

What a day!  First it starts with going to work....I know....work, blah, blah, blah.  After work, I had to go to town to an appointment to get my hair cut!  I haven't gotten my hair cut...by a professional....in quite some time, and I was well overdue for a change. So I went and did it!  It felt great!  On my way into town, I saw a coyote!  I had to stop and try to get some pics of it.  So, I turned around, parked on the side of the road and walked up a ways so that I could see him.  To my surprise, he was very mild....I mean, he was walking right towards the road at one point...with traffic just flyin' by and he didn't seem to care one bit.  I believe he was hunting for field mice or something.  I saw him pounce on something, and I so wish that I could have gotten him in action, but what I got will do.  Anyway, just wanted to share with everyone the action I saw today.  Be sure to check out the animals album as well, there will be a couple more of him in there!

May 30, 2010

Nothing New

Well, nothing too exciting has been happening since the last time I wrote.  I did walk up a gated forest service road the other day and came upon this old bridge over a creek.  It was pretty neat, I must say.  I love the old things that are still standing...somewhat...even if they aren't in use anymore.  This one DEFINITELY is not in use!  I really look forward to walking further up the creek and seeing what I might find.  I'm sure there will be plenty of photo opportunities there.  Other than that really, no new adventures.  Soon though, I promise.  I have been busy in my yard planting away....the colors are so beautiful.  I will definitely be taking some pictures of them and hopefully they will turn out great!  They look great anyway!  Well, I guess that is it...check for new photos all the time...I may not necessarily post anything on my home page but there may be something new in the albums.  And remember, if you like my work, you can become a follower.  Just click the Google link at the bottom right of the page!!!!  :-)

May 15, 2010


 The adventure went well today.  Got some great photos and saw some things never seen before...well, never seen by me anyway.  It was a good and eventful day.  I achieved what I wanted to, and had a great day off from work.  Tomorrow, it is back to work, just for a little while, then to do some work in the yard that is desperately needed.  
I love this time of year!  Being outdoors is the best and what's better is when the weather is FANTASTIC!  
Now to rest up for the day tomorrow.  

                  "   "

Out For an Adventure

Let see, today it is just so gorgeous outside that I must go for an adventure. Should be a great day for photographs.  The sun is shining, the skies are blue, and the temperature is just right.  Maybe I will head towards the coast and see what that will bring me.  There is a covered bridge out that way that I still need to get.  I have them all in Lane County except for 2.  So, today just might be the day for that.  Hope everyone has a beautiful day....and go out and get some great shots!

I got one yesterday of a Stellar Jay at my mom's. He was just gorgeous.

May 9, 2010


Finally!  I figured out a way to get a "watermark" on my photos.  So....now I have more than just the few flower photos.  I will keep adding more and more as the days go by.  I take my camera EVERYWHERE with me, so I shouldn't be missing any good opportunities for a great shot.  
Make sure to check to the right of my page often for new albums.  They only give you ten pages so I will be mix/matching some of them...as long as they are somewhat of the same category.  
Well, enjoy the new photos that are up.  And feel free to make all the comments you want!       
                  (o o)


May 3, 2010

Getting it Started

Well, I uploaded just a few flower photos today.  I wanted to give the people something to look at this week, while I am waiting to get the watermark program I want.  Before I upload anymore photos, I want that watermark on there, for the safety of my picture.  I don't want ANYONE "stealing" them for their own use.  Enjoy the ones I have up for now, just click on the link "flowers" under "photos" on the right side of the screen.  More will come soon....I promise.

May 2, 2010

My New Page

Well, this is officially the first blog I have ever done. Just got my page all made up and just wanted to have SOMETHING on here other than the profile photos. I think this is going to be an interesting project. I hope that there will be a lot of folks looking at this and appreciate my "art". I enjoyed "making" it so I guess that will be enough...just a bonus when others enjoy it, too. I will be posting some photos here in a bit, just need to find some great ones to put on. I am ready to get this thing started!